
真的十分十分不明白為何"繼承者們"第十二集Rachel媽的時裝發佈會,背景音樂是Adele 的 Rolling in the deep??? 完全不搭配的!貴族運動跟"There's a fire starting in my heart, reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark!"???還是因為為金歎舖排"See how I leave every piece of you, don't underestimate the things that I will do" 想提早跟Rachel說?想怎樣?看得聽得我眉頭緊皺。我推薦這個版本。

不如我送首歌給崔英道啦~"I don't wanna talk about it" by Rod Stewart and Amy Belle - Live, 還推薦另一版本Performed by Everything But the girl, 出色的結他和絃樂編曲(把心也掏了出來~~)。   

Young Do to himself~ "If I stand all alone, will the shallows hide the colours of my heart? Blue for the tears, black for the night's fears."

if he says to Eun Sang~

"if I stay here just a little bit longer, if I stay here won't you listen to my heart?" 不過每次都被人撇下~

To Young Do~ "I don't wanna talk about it, how you(she) broke my heart" 遲早的事。。。。  



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